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City Council honors MSUM President Blackhurst

Post Date:05/22/2023 8:00 pm

Mayor Shelly Carlson and the Moorhead City Council honored retiring Minnesota State University Moorhead President Dr. Anne Blackhurst by proclaiming that May 23, 2023, will be Dr. Anne Blackhurst Day in the City of Moorhead.

Dr. Blackhurst has served MSUM as President since 2014 and will be retiring on June 30. Her accomplishments include:

  • Guiding an intensive review of MSUM’s academic programming that led to the expansion of graduate programs and enrollments
  • Development of a strategic framework that articulates the university’s purpose, mission, core values, and strategic anchors
  • Leading a successful $60 million capital campaign

Thank you, Dr. Blackhurst, for being a tireless proponent for both higher education and the City of Moorhead.

Pres Anne Blackhurst 2021PresAnneBlackHurst_2021

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